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The Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We rely on your donations as well as grants from foundations and corporations for funding. Your tax deductible donations of cash and in-kind items are needed year round and are accepted at The Welcome Mat Day Center, located at 907 Campbell Avenue.


Hours are Monday - Friday: 9am - 3pm and Saturday 9am - 1pm. You can also make a tax deductible, online donation to WCH via PayPal.



  • Coffee, oatmeal, tuna or chicken salad kits, cup of soup, cup of noodles, and microwavable individual size meals.

  • Special foods are needed for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas and gifts are needed for those coming into the WCH Welcome Mat during the Christmas holiday.

  • Napkins, paper towels, paper plates

  • Toilet paper

  • Clorox, Lysol cleaner

  • Laundry detergent

  • Dishwashing soap



  • Material for sewing sleeping bags such as comforters and sheets

  • Old neck ties used to tie the sleeping bags rolls together (making it easier to carry)

  • Snack items such as granola bars, cup o noodles, bread, etc.

  • Stamps

  • Band aids

  • Combs/brushes

  • Deodorant

  • Feminine hygiene products

  • Foot powder

  • Disposable razors

  • Reading glasses

  • Toothbrushes / tooth paste (no mouth wash, shampoo/conditioner, bath soap, or lotions please.)

  • Pens - black or blue only (no pencils please.)

  • Camping gear

Your in-kind donations help so many, your monetary donations help keep our doors open. Thank you, from our hearts, for your kindness.



Volunteers are urgently needed to work weekends and holidays at the Welcome Mat Day Center. Volunteers check in clients, make sure things run smoothly, answer questions, make referrals and other duties.


Groups are encouraged to participate.


  • Make sleeping bags for homeless children and adults. Patterns and kits are available.

  • Keep the food pantry organized.

  • Teach classes related to resumes, job skills, life skills.

  • Pick up donations and food bank orders.

  • Help with building and yard maintenance.

  • Run errands.

  • Write grants and develop fundraising projects.

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© 2014 by The Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless.

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